St george’s well

Approximate walking time : 40 minutes

Approximate distance : 2 miles

You’ll love it if : You’re looking for the closest beach.

Good to know : Can get a bit crowded in high summer.

From Padstow Harbour, follow the coast path NE past St Saviour’s Point war memorial. In the summer, to your left, you’ll walk past the golden fields that grow the barley used to make Padstow Spirits in the fields.

You’ll see a trodden path on your right just before the coast path bends round to the left. Be aware this path is a bit of a scramble down rocks and should only be taken if you are well and able. Instead, follow a little further and you’ll find a set of steps leading down to the cove’s entrance. If you aren’t able to take steps, about 20 meters along you’ll find a sloped path with good access.

It’s worth stopping at the top of this path to look at the old war blockhouses then walk down to discover the ancient well covered in vegetation which gives this cove its name. If the cove is too busy you can walk further left to find more beach space.

Take the same route back, varying it by taking the higher path to the right just after the wall surrounding the war memorial. This offers a different view further over the estuary and brings you out on St Saviour’s Lane - a street of beautiful houses to lust after.

Finish at 17 Duke Street with a cocktail made from the barley you pass by in summer along the route you’ve just walked.

Note there is a dog ban on this beach 1st July to 31st August, 10am to 6pm.

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