Approximate distance : 6 miles

Approximate walking time: 2.5 hours (non circular)

You’ll love it if : You want a good stomp before lunch.

Good to know : It can get really breezy on the tops, have layers ready on cooler days.

From the harbour follow the coast path NE, across the grass up to St Saviour’s Point. Walk on past the fields of Padstow barley on your left and follow the turns as you come to St George’s Well, stopping to admire the old wartime blocks. You’ll pass gun point and then Harbour cove and its sandy slopes on your right. When you come to Hawkers Cove, stop to take photos of the lifeboat station and beautiful beach.

Rejoin the coast path around the back of the buildings and carry on North with a slow climb until you get to a gate. The path on the right takes you to down towards the daymark beacon of Stepper Point. This would have been a navigational aid for sailors in previous centuries.

Look out across the Atlantic ocean and drink in the sea breeze. Then you can choose to head back the same way you came or make it a longer circular by carrying along the coast path. After Pepperhole cross over the fields going past Lillezzick Farm then turn left and you’ll find a small carpark at the end of this track. This comes out at Harbour Cove again where you can take the alternative path South, past Tregirls farm, coming out at Prideaux Palace. Turn left down Fentonluna Lane to head back to Padstow centre.

When you reach Duke Street, stop by and try the Navy Padstow Gin inspired by this magnificent spot.




St george’s well